I have more than 7,000 words waiting for me to revisit them in a Microsoft Word document titled "MY NOVEL." I was doing a pretty fine job spending quality time with my characters and developing my story, then I came down with a nasty cold and felt like crap. Then my kid got sick. Then it was Thanksgiving. My attempt at using NaNoWriMo to my own benefit of finishing my novel poofed away and it was, instead, NaWriNoMo: National Write Nothing Month. What a joke.
I've wanted to be a writer for nearly 10 years now. I still have the fuel in my gut, that voice in my head that tells me "it WILL happen," but life seems to have gotten in the way -- not that I am complaining. I love my husband and I love my son; I wouldn't change what I have for anything. I just wish I could devote more time to writing.
At this moment in time, I am freelancing, searching for a full-time job and tending to my maniac of a toddler as my husband is a full-time student and part-time intern.
The job hunt, this time around, has been challenging. I've been searching and applying for more than four months. I've been interviewed and told, "We'll let you know either way - we won't leave you hanging!" Um. FYI -- I have been hanging. A lot. I thought surely, by now, something would have worked out for me. It hasn't.
I must make a resolution to myself, for myself, to finish what I have been writing. I know I can do it, I just have to actually sit down and do it. I hear all successful writers even sit and write on days they feel they couldn't even get one word out. It's all in dedication, I suppose.
I've got the drive and I know I am dedicated, I just need the energy and the kick-in-the-butt to do it. Every day. Until it's finished. And then revise. And revise. And revise.
I, Bridget, hereby commit myself to take time - every day - to write.
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